1/9/2024 Colorado 6CCR 1007.1 Part 04 Standards for Protection Against Radiation Update

The proposed changes to the Part 4 regulation related to occupational monitoring requirements primarily to remove the current language of 4.18.3 and replace it with a record keeping requirement specific to x-ray registrants. The current rule provides two options for a facility to discontinue the use of external dosimetry by occupational radiation workers by submitting data and a dosimetry waiver request for review.

The facility must demonstrate that thresholds for occupational monitoring in 4.18.1 are not likely to be met. The current 4.18.3 wording is technically problematic in a number of ways, which has resulted in some confusion among staff and the regulated community.

Under the proposed change, x-ray registrants will continue to be able to make a determination about whether occupational monitoring is or is not needed, and require retention of the determination record for future inspection. No submission to the department by x-ray registrants will be required under the proposed change.

Radioactive materials licensees will be minimally impacted by the proposed change as the licensing process already requires review of the facility occupational monitoring program by the Division. The Division will supplement this rule change with guidance that will describe acceptable methods for evaluating occupational monitoring and will be similar to the approach described in the current rule.
